This is the complete list of members for wxGxRemoteServerUI, including all inherited members.
AddChild(wxGxObject *child) (defined in wxGxObjectContainer) | wxGxObjectContainer | virtual |
AddEvent(const wxEvent &event) (defined in wxGISConnectionPointContainer) | wxGISConnectionPointContainer | protectedvirtual |
AddFSWatcherPath(const wxFileName &path, int events=wxFSW_EVENT_ALL) (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | virtual |
AddFSWatcherTree(const wxFileName &path, int events=wxFSW_EVENT_ALL, const wxString &filespec=wxEmptyString) (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | virtual |
Advise(wxEvtHandler *pEvtHandler) (defined in wxGISConnectionPointContainer) | wxGISConnectionPointContainer | virtual |
AreChildrenViewable(void) (defined in wxGxRemoteServer) | wxGxRemoteServer | inlinevirtual |
AreChildrenViewable(void) const (defined in wxGxCatalogBase) | wxGxCatalogBase | virtual |
CanCreate(long nDataType, long DataSubtype) (defined in wxGxObjectContainer) | wxGxObjectContainer | virtual |
Connect(void) (defined in wxGxRemoteServerUI) | wxGxRemoteServerUI | virtual |
ConstructFullName(const wxGxObject *pObject) const (defined in wxGxCatalogBase) | wxGxCatalogBase | virtual |
ContextMenu(void) const (defined in wxGxRemoteServerUI) | wxGxRemoteServerUI | inlinevirtual |
Create(wxGxObject *oParent, const wxString &soName=wxEmptyString, const CPLString &soPath="") (defined in wxRxCatalog) | wxRxCatalog | virtual |
Create(wxRxCatalog *const pRxCatalog, long nId, wxGxObject *oParent, const wxString &soName=wxEmptyString, const CPLString &soPath="") (defined in wxRxObjectContainer) | wxRxObjectContainer | virtual |
CreateChildren(wxGxObject *pParent, char **&pFileNames, wxArrayLong &pChildrenIds) (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | virtual |
Destroy(void) (defined in wxGxRemoteServer) | wxGxRemoteServer | virtual |
DestroyChild(wxGxObject *child) (defined in wxGxObjectContainer) | wxGxObjectContainer | virtual |
DestroyChildren() (defined in wxGxObjectContainer) | wxGxObjectContainer | virtual |
DestroyChildren() (defined in wxRxObjectContainer) | wxRxObjectContainer | virtual |
Disconnect(void) (defined in wxGxRemoteServerUI) | wxGxRemoteServerUI | virtual |
EmptyObjectFactories(void) (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | protectedvirtual |
EnableRootItem(size_t nItemId, bool bEnable) (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | virtual |
FindGxObject(const wxString &sPath) (defined in wxGxObjectContainer) | wxGxObjectContainer | virtual |
FindGxObjectByPath(const wxString &sPath) (defined in wxGxObjectContainer) | wxGxObjectContainer | virtual |
GetBaseName(void) const (defined in wxGxRemoteServer) | wxGxRemoteServer | inlinevirtual |
GetCategory(void) const (defined in wxGxRemoteServer) | wxGxRemoteServer | inlinevirtual |
GetChildren() const (defined in wxGxObjectContainer) | wxGxObjectContainer | virtual |
GetChildren() (defined in wxGxObjectContainer) | wxGxObjectContainer | virtual |
GetClassName(void) const (defined in wxRxCatalog) | wxRxCatalog | inlinevirtual |
GetConfigName(void) const (defined in wxRxCatalog) | wxRxCatalog | inlineprotectedvirtual |
GetFullName(void) const (defined in wxGxRemoteServer) | wxGxRemoteServer | inlinevirtual |
GetId(void) const (defined in wxGxObject) | wxGxObject | inlinevirtual |
GetLargeImage(void) (defined in wxGxRemoteServerUI) | wxGxRemoteServerUI | virtual |
GetName(void) const (defined in wxGxObject) | wxGxObject | virtual |
GetObjectFactories(void) (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | virtual |
GetObjectFactoryByClassName(const wxString &sClassName) (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | virtual |
GetObjectFactoryByName(const wxString &sFactoryName) (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | virtual |
GetParent(void) const (defined in wxGxObject) | wxGxObject | virtual |
GetPath(void) const (defined in wxGxObject) | wxGxObject | virtual |
GetRegisterObject(long nId) (defined in wxGxCatalogBase) | wxGxCatalogBase | virtual |
GetRegisterRemoteObject(long nId) (defined in wxRxCatalog) | wxRxCatalog | virtual |
GetRemoteChildren(void) (defined in wxRxObjectContainer) | wxRxObjectContainer | protectedvirtual |
GetRemoteId(void) const (defined in wxRxObject) | wxRxObject | virtual |
GetRootItemByType(const wxClassInfo *info) const (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | virtual |
GetRootItems(void) (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | virtual |
GetShowExt(void) const (defined in wxGxCatalogBase) | wxGxCatalogBase | virtual |
GetShowHidden(void) const (defined in wxGxCatalogBase) | wxGxCatalogBase | virtual |
GetSmallImage(void) (defined in wxGxRemoteServerUI) | wxGxRemoteServerUI | virtual |
GetXmlDescription(void) const (defined in wxRxObject) | wxRxObject | inlinevirtual |
HasChildren(void) (defined in wxGxObjectContainer) | wxGxObjectContainer | virtual |
Init(void) (defined in wxGxCatalogBase) | wxGxCatalogBase | virtual |
Invoke(wxWindow *pParentWnd) (defined in wxGxRemoteServerUI) | wxGxRemoteServerUI | virtual |
IsConnected(void) (defined in wxGxRemoteServer) | wxGxRemoteServer | virtual |
IsNameExist(const wxString &sName) const (defined in wxGxObjectContainer) | wxGxObjectContainer | virtual |
IsPathWatched(const wxString &sPath) (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | protectedvirtual |
LoadChildren(void) (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | protectedvirtual |
LoadChildren(wxXmlNode *const pNode) (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | protectedvirtual |
LoadObjectFactories(const wxXmlNode *pNode) (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | protectedvirtual |
LoadObjectFactories(void) (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | protectedvirtual |
LoadRemoteChildren(const wxXmlNode *pChildrenNode) (defined in wxRxObjectContainer) | wxRxObjectContainer | protectedvirtual |
m_bAuth (defined in wxGxRemoteServer) | wxGxRemoteServer | protected |
m_bFSWatcherEnable (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | protected |
m_bIsChildrenLoaded (defined in wxRxObjectContainer) | wxRxObjectContainer | protected |
m_bIsInitialized (defined in wxGxCatalogBase) | wxGxCatalogBase | protected |
m_bShowExt (defined in wxGxCatalogBase) | wxGxCatalogBase | protected |
m_bShowHidden (defined in wxGxCatalogBase) | wxGxCatalogBase | protected |
m_CatalogRootItemArray (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | protected |
m_Children (defined in wxGxObjectContainer) | wxGxObjectContainer | protected |
m_Children (defined in wxGxObjectContainer) | wxGxObjectContainer | protected |
m_ConnectionPointNetCookie (defined in wxGxRemoteServer) | wxGxRemoteServer | protected |
m_CritSectEvt (defined in wxGISConnectionPointContainer) | wxGISConnectionPointContainer | protected |
m_LargeAuthIcon (defined in wxGxRemoteServerUI) | wxGxRemoteServerUI | protected |
m_LargeDsblIcon (defined in wxGxRemoteServerUI) | wxGxRemoteServerUI | protected |
m_LargeIcon (defined in wxGxRemoteServerUI) | wxGxRemoteServerUI | protected |
m_moGxObject (defined in wxGxCatalogBase) | wxGxCatalogBase | protected |
m_moRxObject (defined in wxRxCatalog) | wxRxCatalog | protected |
m_nGlobalId (defined in wxGxCatalogBase) | wxGxCatalogBase | protected |
m_nGxPendingId (defined in wxGxRemoteServerUI) | wxGxRemoteServerUI | protected |
m_nId (defined in wxGxObject) | wxGxObject | protected |
m_nId (defined in wxGxObject) | wxGxObject | protected |
m_nRemoteId (defined in wxRxObject) | wxRxObject | protected |
m_ObjectFactoriesArray (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | protected |
m_oCritFSSect (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | protected |
m_oParent (defined in wxGxObject) | wxGxObject | protected |
m_oParent (defined in wxGxObject) | wxGxObject | protected |
m_pNetConn (defined in wxRxCatalog) | wxRxCatalog | protected |
m_pPointsArray (defined in wxGISConnectionPointContainer) | wxGISConnectionPointContainer | protected |
m_pRxCatalog (defined in wxRxObject) | wxRxObject | protected |
m_pWatcher (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | protected |
m_SmallAuthIcon (defined in wxGxRemoteServerUI) | wxGxRemoteServerUI | protected |
m_SmallDsblIcon (defined in wxGxRemoteServerUI) | wxGxRemoteServerUI | protected |
m_SmallIcon (defined in wxGxRemoteServerUI) | wxGxRemoteServerUI | protected |
m_sName (defined in wxGxObject) | wxGxObject | protected |
m_sName (defined in wxGxObject) | wxGxObject | protected |
m_sPath (defined in wxGxObject) | wxGxObject | protected |
m_sPath (defined in wxGxObject) | wxGxObject | protected |
m_staRootitems (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | protected |
NewMenu(void) const (defined in wxGxRemoteServerUI) | wxGxRemoteServerUI | inlinevirtual |
ObjectAdded(long nObjectID) (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | virtual |
ObjectChanged(long nObjectID) (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | virtual |
ObjectDeleted(long nObjectID) (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | virtual |
ObjectRefreshed(long nObjectID) (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | virtual |
OnFileSystemEvent(wxFileSystemWatcherEvent &event) (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | virtual |
OnGisNetEvent(wxGISNetEvent &event) (defined in wxGxRemoteServerUI) | wxGxRemoteServerUI | protectedvirtual |
OnNetEvent(wxGISNetEvent &event) (defined in wxRxCatalog) | wxRxCatalog | virtual |
PostEvent(wxEvent *event) (defined in wxGISConnectionPointContainer) | wxGISConnectionPointContainer | protectedvirtual |
ProcessNetEvent(wxGISNetEvent &event) (defined in wxRxCatalog) | wxRxCatalog | virtual |
Refresh(void) (defined in wxGxObjectContainer) | wxGxObjectContainer | virtual |
Refresh(void) (defined in wxRxObjectContainer) | wxRxObjectContainer | virtual |
RegisterObject(wxGxObject *pObj) (defined in wxGxCatalogBase) | wxGxCatalogBase | virtual |
RegisterRemoteObject(wxRxObject *pObj) (defined in wxRxCatalog) | wxRxCatalog | virtual |
RemoveChild(wxGxObject *child) (defined in wxGxObjectContainer) | wxGxObjectContainer | virtual |
RemoveFSWatcherPath(const wxFileName &path) (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | virtual |
RemoveFSWatcherTree(const wxFileName &path) (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | virtual |
ROOTITEM typedef (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | |
SendChildren(const wxGxObjectList &Children, long nSourceId, int nNetClientId) (defined in wxRxObjectContainer) | wxRxObjectContainer | virtual |
SendNetMessage(const wxNetMessage &msg) (defined in wxRxCatalog) | wxRxCatalog | virtual |
SerializePlugins(wxXmlNode *pNode, bool bStore=false) (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | protectedvirtual |
SetId(long nId) (defined in wxGxObject) | wxGxObject | inlinevirtual |
SetName(const wxString &soName) (defined in wxGxObject) | wxGxObject | virtual |
SetParent(wxGxObject *oParent) (defined in wxGxObject) | wxGxObject | virtual |
SetPath(const CPLString &soPath) (defined in wxGxObject) | wxGxObject | virtual |
SetRemoteId(long nId) (defined in wxRxObject) | wxRxObject | virtual |
SetShowExt(bool bShowExt) (defined in wxGxCatalogBase) | wxGxCatalogBase | virtual |
SetShowHidden(bool bShowHidden) (defined in wxGxCatalogBase) | wxGxCatalogBase | virtual |
StartFSWatcher() (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | virtual |
StopFSWatcher() (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | virtual |
Unadvise(long nCookie) (defined in wxGISConnectionPointContainer) | wxGISConnectionPointContainer | virtual |
UnRegisterObject(long nId) (defined in wxGxCatalogBase) | wxGxCatalogBase | virtual |
UnRegisterRemoteObject(long nId) (defined in wxRxCatalog) | wxRxCatalog | virtual |
wxGISConnectionPointContainer(void) (defined in wxGISConnectionPointContainer) | wxGISConnectionPointContainer | |
wxGxCatalog(wxGxObject *oParent=NULL, const wxString &soName=_("Catalog"), const CPLString &soPath="") (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | |
wxGxCatalogBase(wxGxObject *oParent=NULL, const wxString &soName=_("Catalog"), const CPLString &soPath="") (defined in wxGxCatalogBase) | wxGxCatalogBase | |
wxGxObject(void) (defined in wxGxObject) | wxGxObject | |
wxGxObject(wxGxObject *oParent, const wxString &soName=wxEmptyString, const CPLString &soPath="") (defined in wxGxObject) | wxGxObject | |
wxGxObject(void) (defined in wxGxObject) | wxGxObject | |
wxGxObject(wxGxObject *oParent, const wxString &soName=wxEmptyString, const CPLString &soPath="") (defined in wxGxObject) | wxGxObject | |
wxGxObjectContainer(void) (defined in wxGxObjectContainer) | wxGxObjectContainer | |
wxGxObjectContainer(wxGxObject *oParent, const wxString &soName=wxEmptyString, const CPLString &soPath="") (defined in wxGxObjectContainer) | wxGxObjectContainer | |
wxGxObjectContainer(void) (defined in wxGxObjectContainer) | wxGxObjectContainer | |
wxGxObjectContainer(wxGxObject *oParent, const wxString &soName=wxEmptyString, const CPLString &soPath="") (defined in wxGxObjectContainer) | wxGxObjectContainer | |
wxGxRemoteServer(void) (defined in wxGxRemoteServer) | wxGxRemoteServer | |
wxGxRemoteServer(wxGISNetClientConnection *const pNetConn, wxGxObject *oParent, const wxString &soName=wxEmptyString, const CPLString &soPath="") (defined in wxGxRemoteServer) | wxGxRemoteServer | |
wxGxRemoteServerUI(void) (defined in wxGxRemoteServerUI) | wxGxRemoteServerUI | |
wxGxRemoteServerUI(wxGISNetClientConnection *const pNetConn, wxGxObject *oParent, const wxString &soName=wxEmptyString, const CPLString &soPath="", const wxIcon &SmallIco=wxNullIcon, const wxIcon &LargeIco=wxNullIcon, const wxIcon &SmalDsbIco=wxNullIcon, const wxIcon &LargeDsbIco=wxNullIcon, const wxIcon &SmallAuthIco=wxNullIcon, const wxIcon &LargeAuthIco=wxNullIcon) (defined in wxGxRemoteServerUI) | wxGxRemoteServerUI | |
wxRxCatalog(void) (defined in wxRxCatalog) | wxRxCatalog | |
wxRxCatalog(wxGxObject *oParent, const wxString &soName=wxEmptyString, const CPLString &soPath="") (defined in wxRxCatalog) | wxRxCatalog | |
wxRxCatalog(wxGxObject *oParent=NULL, const wxString &soName=_("Catalog"), const CPLString &soPath="") (defined in wxRxCatalog) | wxRxCatalog | |
wxRxObject(void) (defined in wxRxObject) | wxRxObject | |
wxRxObjectContainer(void) (defined in wxRxObjectContainer) | wxRxObjectContainer | |
wxRxObjectContainer(wxRxCatalog *const pRxCatalog, long nId, wxGxObject *oParent, const wxString &soName=wxEmptyString, const CPLString &soPath="") (defined in wxRxObjectContainer) | wxRxObjectContainer | |
~IGxObjectUI(void) (defined in IGxObjectUI) | IGxObjectUI | inlinevirtual |
~IGxObjectWizard(void) (defined in IGxObjectWizard) | IGxObjectWizard | inlinevirtual |
~INetEventProcessor(void) (defined in INetEventProcessor) | INetEventProcessor | inlinevirtual |
~wxGISConnectionPointContainer(void) (defined in wxGISConnectionPointContainer) | wxGISConnectionPointContainer | virtual |
~wxGxCatalog(void) (defined in wxGxCatalog) | wxGxCatalog | virtual |
~wxGxCatalogBase(void) (defined in wxGxCatalogBase) | wxGxCatalogBase | virtual |
~wxGxObject(void) (defined in wxGxObject) | wxGxObject | virtual |
~wxGxObjectContainer(void) (defined in wxGxObjectContainer) | wxGxObjectContainer | virtual |
~wxGxRemoteServer(void) (defined in wxGxRemoteServer) | wxGxRemoteServer | virtual |
~wxGxRemoteServerUI(void) (defined in wxGxRemoteServerUI) | wxGxRemoteServerUI | virtual |
~wxRxCatalog(void) (defined in wxRxCatalog) | wxRxCatalog | virtual |
~wxRxCatalog(void) (defined in wxRxCatalog) | wxRxCatalog | virtual |
~wxRxObject(void) (defined in wxRxObject) | wxRxObject | virtual |
~wxRxObject(void) (defined in wxRxObject) | wxRxObject | inlinevirtual |
~wxRxObjectContainer(void) (defined in wxRxObjectContainer) | wxRxObjectContainer | virtual |
~wxRxObjectContainer(void) (defined in wxRxObjectContainer) | wxRxObjectContainer | virtual |