Stand-alone software for collaborative editing of geodata

NextGIS Crowd (NGC) allows collaborative adding and editing of locations of points with any number of attributes. NGC was used in crowdsourcing UIK GEO project to collect and edit data on tens of thousands of polling stations in Russia.

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NextGIS Crowd

NGC is a multi-user geodata editor (points only yet).

After install on the server, the use is able to edit locations of the points and their structured descriptions. One can invite other people to help with editing, all they need to do is go through simple registration form embedded in the project. Search and querying tools are available 'out of the box'.

Source code

NextGIS Crowd is written in Python (server) and JavaScript (clien-side), it's code is published under GNU GPL version 2 license (more). System requirements: Python 2.7+, spatialite, GEOS, PROJ.4, Virtualenv.

The code is distributed “as is”, we welcomem pull-requests.


NextGIS Crowd (NGC) - simple to use multi-user editor for geodata (points only yet). Deploy on the server, load data for editing and invite others to collaborate. Helping hands will only need to register, NGC works in browser. Together you will be able to do so much more.

Need to edit points of the map together? Install NextGIS Crowd on your serve.